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Lazar Nikolov

content creator
software engineer


The CSS Container Queries article featured image
A photo of Lazar Nikolov


Aug 30 2023

CSS Container Queries

CSS Container Queries are a new way to write CSS that allow you to scope styles based on the size of a containing element rather than the size of the viewport. In this article we're going to learn all about container queries.

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The CSS Style Queries article featured image
A photo of Lazar Nikolov


Aug 30 2023

CSS Style Queries

CSS Style Queries are a new way to write CSS that allow you to scope styles based on the size of a containing element rather than the size of the viewport. In this article we're going to learn all about style queries.

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The Environment variables type safety and validation with Zod article featured image

Environment variables type safety and validation with Zod

Using process.env directly in your project means you're double or triple checking the names of the environment variables. You can use Zod to validate if all of the environment variables are set, and to automatically get types for them.

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The Getting started with CSS Nesting article featured image
A photo of Lazar Nikolov


Aug 12 2023

Getting started with CSS Nesting

CSS Nesting used to only be possible in CSS preprocessors like Sass and Less. But guess what, it’s now part of Native CSS! Let's see what's CSS Nesting and how we can get started using it.

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