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creatures.sh Environment variables type safety and validation with Zod
Using process.env directly in your project means you're double or triple checking the names of the environment variables. You can use Zod to validate if all of the environment variables are set, and to automatically get types for them.
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creatures.sh Creating and using API Routes in Next.js
How to create and use API Routes in Next.js
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creatures.sh Creating custom layouts in Next.js
A guide on how to create Single Shared layouts and Per-Page layout in Next.js
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creatures.sh Using Next.js's Static Generation method
How to use Next.js's Static Generation method to provide data in your pages at build time.
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creatures.sh Using Next.js's Server-side Rendering method
How to use Next.js's Server-side Rendering method to render your pages on the server-side.
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creatures.sh Generating blurDataURL for remote images in Next.js
in this article we're going to learn how to generate blurdataurl for remote images in next.js.
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creatures.sh A simple change improved Chakra UI's PageSpeed significantly
I’ve noticed that the PageSpeed scores for https://chakra-ui.com were not that great. I know that we’ve built the page using the best practices, but for some reason the scores weren’t what we expected.
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